Vote total = 4,800,303.

Party Seats won % Seats % Votes Votes Difference Difference2
Liberal 58 54.21 38.41 1,843,974 15.80 249.64
PC 28 26.17 31.43 1,508,811 -5.26 27.67
NDP 21 19.63 23.85 1,144,822 -4.22 17.81

(249.64+ 27.67+ 17.81)/2=147.56, square root = 12.15

107 seats with a Least Square Index of 12.15

Number of votes for first-past-the-post candidates is 2,260,453 = 47.09%

Candidates not first-past-the-post sorted by number of votes received.

If you click on the Riding name, then it will show the full election results for that Riding from the Jun 12, 2014 election.
The added seats are based on using a Least Square Index Limit of -1000.

Party Riding Votes   New Seats First-Past-the-Post

Party Seats won % Seats % Votes Votes Difference Difference2
Liberal 58 → 58 54.21 → 54.21 38.41 1,843,974 15.80 249.64
PC 28 → 28 26.17 → 26.17 31.43 1,508,811 -5.26 27.67
NDP 21 → 21 19.63 → 19.63 23.85 1,144,822 -4.22 17.81

(249.64+ 27.67+ 17.81)/2=147.56, square root = 12.15

107 → 107 seats ( 0.00% seat increase) with a Least Square Index from 12.15 → 12.15

Votes counted 2,260,453 + 0, percentage from 47.09% → 47.09%

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